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Product Disclosures & Periodic Reports - Global Evolution

Product Disclosures & Periodic Reports

Sustainability is a key consideration for us. We comply with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and provide Product Disclosures and Periodic Reports for portfolios we are managing for our clients.

Our mission is to generate attractive returns for our clients whilst contributing to sustainability in the countries and companies where we invest. The promotion of sustainability has the potential to increase the resilience of the real economy and the stability of the financial system. This is relevant to our business, our clients, and other stakeholders since such dynamics may impact the risk‐return of our financial products.

Global Evolution has a strategic commitment to ESG, which is an integrated part of our investment approach. We do this quantitatively through our proprietary model’s framework and qualitatively through positive engagement with policymakers, investee companies and other stakeholders.

EM Sovereign Debt Strategies

Our EM Sovereign Debt Strategies promote environmental or social characteristics and comply with Article 8 requirements of the SFDR. Pre-contractual disclosure.

Portfolio SHC1034
Portfolio SHC1010
Portfolio SHC1021
Portfolio SHC1053
Portfolio SHC1027
Portfolio SHC1038
Portfolio SHC1046
Portfolio SHC1059

Portfolio SLC1016
Portfolio SLC1042
Portfolio SLC1015

Portfolio SBC1025
Portfolio SBC1043

Portfolio SFM1006
Portfolio SFM1009
Portfolio SFM1014
Portfolio SFM1058

Portfolio SFL1056

EM Corporate Debt Strategies

Our EM Corporate Debt Strategies promote environmental or social characteristics and comply with Article 8 requirements of the SFDR Pre-contractual disclosure.

Portfolio CHC1057
Portfolio CHC1064